Simple Approach: Best-in-class real estate managed by a dedicated team.

We are a responsible investor in ESG-compliant, purpose-built care home real estate, which is commensurate with modern living care standards.

Why we do it

We are advocates of the benefits that intelligently designed, purpose-built care homes can bring and we want more residents, care professionals and local communities to benefit from their positive social impact.

Our Investment Manager is a specialist who understands the operational challenges our tenants face on a daily basis when providing quality care, and is there to help them every step of the way.

Watch our video to find out more about how we strive to help improve the standard of the built environment of care homes through en suite wet rooms.

Strategic Pillars

Build a high-quality real estate portfolio which supports long term investor demand

Manage portfolio as a trusted landlord in a fair commercial manner.

Recognise the value of relationships and our influence within a complex sector

Deliver regular investment returns for our shareholders.

Disciplined and conservative financial and risk management to deliver earnings supporting quarterly dividends

To achieve our social purpose via responsible and sustainable investment.

Our focus is on our social impact, allied with a firm commitment to environmental sustainability and good governance.

Read more on pages 16 and 17

Read more on pages 18 and 19

Read more on pages 20 and 21

Read more on pages 22 and 23

Our Key Strengths

The key strengths of our approach are:

Asset-class benefits from strong demand from investors and opertors, being (a) future-proofed against legislative change and trends influencing demand; and (b) generation of high quality earnings from sustainable rents.

Specialist manager, highly engaged within the sector and with our tenants.

Prudent approach to financial risks with diversified income sources, low gearing and long-term, predominantly fixed rate dept

How we do it

  • Clearly defined house view on investible asset standards, both minimum and aspirational.
  • Stable and experienced team of sector experts with strong reputation and track record.
  • Conviction to build a portfolio highly diversified by tenant,
    geography and end-user payment profile.

  • Informed decisions / assessment from specialist knowledge of care home profitability drivers and operational service delivery, combined with comprehensive monthly data collection.
  • Collaborative sharing of knowledge, insight and best practice with tenants which drives their competitive advantage.
  • Intelligent and sensitive asset monitoring through regular visits and dialogue with tenants at operational and senior management levels.
  • Prominent and respected sector presence - available and approachable to those who seek to operate from our in-demand real estate.

  • Long income visibility with inflation-linked annual growth.
  • Capital structuring focus on conservative approach to debt; low LTV; long duration; fixed interest costs.
  • Advantages from critical sector, with asset quality and diversification further reducing volatility and risk profile.

  • Commit to our approach and understand our influence.
  • Learn, reflect, respond to feedback.
  • Hold ourselves to high standards expected of social care responsibility.