5Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023
Financial Statements Additional InformationCorporate GovernanceStrategic Report
we have continued to collect energy usage
data from our portfolio, analysis of which
shapes our ongoing investment to reduce
carbon emissions.
The change in market interest rates
experienced earlier in the year did, of course,
have a significant impact on our ability to
grow earnings through acquisitions. We
substantially reduced our new investment
programme as the relative outward
movement in income yields did not correlate
with the more significant increase in the
Group’s cost of capital. We reduced the
dividend level in response to ensure earnings
were immediately covering our payouts to
shareholders, providing a stable platform for
future growth and total returns.
2. Outlook
Despite the more challenging
macroeconomic environment, strong
sector tailwinds continue to support
investment in modern care home real estate.
Underlying demand for residential care
places is supported by demographic change,
evidenced by projected growth in the number
of those aged over 85, and investment
demand for modern, ESG-compliant care
home real estate remains strong.
On inflation and recessionary concerns, our
portfolio bias towards private pay provides
comfort that our tenants are more likely to be
able to pass on their cost increases through
higher resident fees, supporting sustainable
tenant trading. We have seen evidence over
the year that the quality of our real estate
allows tenants to secure commercially
appropriate fee levels.
We feel that portfolio valuations are robust
and our rental income is high quality. On
the former, we note transactional evidence
of healthy competition for assets which are
being marketed for sale. A number of buyers
are participating in processes for prime assets
such as ours, though we note this is not the
case for sub-prime, poorer quality real estate.
3. Performance
Our total return performance of -1.2% for
the year, driven by an EPRA NTA reduction
of 6.9% (104.5 pence from 112.3 pence) and
dividends of 6.18 pence per share, reflects
our resilient portfolio and the muted impact
of the wider correction in commercial real
estate valuations.
The Investment Manager comments,
on pages 14 – 15, in more detail on rent
cover and occupancy in the Investment
Manager’s Report, with these key metrics
trending positively as trading conditions and
performance in prime care homes improves.
The portfolio valuation movement has been
driven by market movements, our disposals
programme and the impact of rental uplifts,
providing an overall valuation reduction of
4.7% and a like-for-like decrease of 4.1%.
Contracted rent has increased by 2.0% to
£56.6 million, and 3.8% on a like-for-like basis.
Adjusted EPRA earnings increased by 23%
to £37.2 million, equating to an adjusted
EPRA earnings per share of 6.00 pence. This
translates to 97% dividend cover for the year
with full cover for dividends paid in respect
of the periods from January 2023 onwards.
Under the widely-used EPRA earnings metric
the dividend was 124% covered.
4. Investment market and care
home trading
We saw a pause and a re-pricing of deals
in progress as an immediate reaction to
September 2022’s mini-budget and the
uncertainty which followed. During early
2023 a number of these transactions
slowly started to complete again, at prices
generally higher than those considered
during re-pricing discussions at the trough.
The strength of demand and the number of
buyers active in the market were influential
supporters of values, as was the continued
improvement in trading profitability at
operational homes. This market activity
continues today, with a weight of capital
investing in the ESG-compliant, modern
homes which are our staple.
In care home trading we have seen a reversal
of pandemic fortunes between homes
focussed on private residents versus those
with a local authority bias. Profitability is now
increasing in the former, which is reflected
in our portfolio performance. Tellingly, we
have seen a focus from tenants on admitting
new residents at an appropriate fee level,
as opposed to a “fill at any cost” approach.
This has seen operator profitability improve
to levels ahead of where they were prior
to the COVID-19 pandemic and at resident
occupancies around 5% lower (85% vs.
90%). This data is very encouraging and is
consistent with the positivity on trading we
hear from our tenants.
5. Governance
Board succession
Our succession plan has been completed
with the appointments of Richard Cotton in
November 2022 and Michael Brodtman in
January 2023. Richard Cotton assumed the
role of SID, and I assumed the Chair, on the
retirements of Gordon Coull and Malcolm
Naish on 6 December 2022.
Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’)
The AGM will be held in London on
29 November 2023. Shareholders are
encouraged to make use of the proxy form
provided in order to lodge their votes and to
raise any questions or comments they may
have in advance of the AGM through the
Company Secretary.
6. Looking ahead
We see the following as our priorities:
• Manage our portfolio to ensure its
performance is consistent with its
inherent quality and trading advantages.
• Set ambitious but realistic environmental
targets, and start to deliver tangible and
observable progress towards these.
• Increase earnings from our embedded
rental growth and efficient management
of operating expenses and financing costs.
In the absence of unforeseen circumstances,
the Board intends to increase the quarterly
dividend in respect of the year ending June
2024 by 2.0% to 1.428 pence per share,
representing an annual total dividend
of 5.712 pence. In the six months since
1 January 2023 our portfolio has achieved
rental growth of 2%, rental collection has
increased to 99% and portfolio rent cover has
increased to 1.75 times. This improvement in
portfolio performance, when combined with
our effective management of interest rate
exposure, gives us confidence in the Group’s
earnings outlook, allowing us to increase our
dividend in line with rental growth.
The Board remains confident in the Group’s
prospects. Our portfolio consists of premium
quality assets in a critical real estate investment
class with compelling sector tailwinds.
Alison Fyfe
9 October 2023